vendo petroleo crudo y d2 and jp54

hola buenos dias. me direjo a ustedes para una oportunidad de negocio me llamao othman arbaoui y vendo petroleo crudo y d2 a grandes cantidades y al mejor descuento del mercado porque tenemos enchufes en iraq kuwait y rusia se le interesan hacer negocio con migo no duden en ponerse en contacto. para el crudo tenemos fuentes en irak y kuwait. para el d2 en kuwait y rusia y otros paises. interesados porfavor que se pongan en contacto con migo solo pido una cosa seriedad y respetar las condeciones del trabajo gracias. contaco: [email protected] [email protected] 0034691093445


2 respuestas a “vendo petroleo crudo y d2 and jp54”

  1. Adolfo Leon Quintero H. Avatar
    Adolfo Leon Quintero H.

    Estimado señores puedo proveerlos de lo que necesite con petróleo crudo y sus derivados


    Tenemos contactos serios por cosulado SERBIA en Italia (TRIESTE) con:

    1° Gazprom
    2° Lukoil
    3° Origbo
    4° Gobierno IRAN
    5° Gobierno GANA
    6° Gobierno IRAQ
    7° Emiratos Arabos

    Yo soy un agente internacional en el que tengo ahora varios vendedores para D2, D6 y JP54, que estoy buscando compradores serios que puedan satisfacer las necesidades de las refinerías y los mandatos del proceso de compra de combustible en EE.UU. y Rusia (Rotterdam), dispuestos a desarrollar a largo plazo relación comercial con (LOI) + (ICPO) en el Banco de Verificación de Poderes completo a tratar en las diferentes mercancías, y si esto le puede interesar, por favor, responda con nosotros en el momento oportuno

    mi socios hablan: ingles – russo – sloveno – italiano – espanol.


    Adolfo Leon Quintero Hoyos
    [email protected]

  2. > International Business Lord Worthy. >  > Bother to of Avatar
    > International Business Lord Worthy. > > Bother to of

    > International Business Lord Worthy.
    > Bother to offer to your attention now Comercail High Level Contact
    > Management, Negotiation for Purchase and Sale of Fuel D2, Petroleum
    > Coke and JP -54, provided that they meet and send the documents to
    > request copies of the same, so that you can receive a formal
    > invitation to the Board of Negotiation Techniques PDVSA Oil Holding,
    > dialogue between the Executive as SELLER Butera and the actual price
    > and Final that could reach a minimum of USD. $ 1.90 per gallon and can
    > Buy up to a maximum of ONE HUNDRED MILLION GALLONS DIESEL D-2 … If
    > you want or we can recommend other buyers … The Commission request
    > for contact us and we USD $ 0.15 per gallon to be divided among five
    > groups.
    > Praying we apologize for our negligence
    > Server, and Brother Ahigo
    > 0058-04162194881 – (Spanish)
    > Honourable Mr Entrepreneur International we suggest if you as buyer
    > end of derivative Petrolífero accepts, approves and agrees with the
    > conditions, terms and Procedures international of our international
    > partner and commercial ally as it is the commercial representative of
    > the FINAL seller, with the present submission;… /…Ask you
    > respectfully send us the following documentation and information
    > required by the Final seller company to initiate the negotiation of
    > purchase and sale:
    > 1. Letter of acceptance , procedures, conditions and terms
    > international, established by the Final at the end buyer seller
    > company, which must come at the paper with letterhead of the company
    > buyer end, with their respective business Logo and data business,
    > geographical and telephone, where he agrees and asks his purchase of
    > the Petrolífero product of interest requirement, specifying the
    > quantity, location and port of destination, likewise any other
    > information you can make to contribute to speed to the administrative
    > process and Legal.
    > 2.-Permission to import, issued, adopted, signed and stamped by the
    > Government of the country where this filed the Final buyer company,
    > translated into the English language, by a Legal translator and
    > recognized, if the case warrants.
    > 3. Accept, sign, seal and send the legal protections (NCNDA-IMFPFA),
    > as promised in the sharing of commissions on sales, in this
    > negotiation according to the motion scheme established by the company
    > oil selling end, which should include them: email+fone/fax-signed and
    > sealed by the Buyer, by inserting the brokers, intermediaries and the
    > Mandate Legal and equally should also leave boxes empty for the
    > contact-commercial groups and our group company.
    > 4.-The Seller may require a Charter empowers the Buyer that it
    > considers relevant and benefit for the streamlining of the procedure
    > for the negotiation of sale which merit the administrative procedures,
    > legal, financial and operational.
    > 5. Profile updated and current at the profile of the company buyer end.
    > 6.- Copy of the permission to PROBE SOFT,
    > 7.- Copy of el document of authorization of el Mandate of buy, issued
    > and signed by Al Buyer, with their respective data business,
    > geographical and telephone.
    > 8.-RUCCVE-Registratión-PDVSA.
    > 9.-The Buyer’s Mandate document must present certificate of
    > appointment-Apostille.
    > 10.-TheLOI
    > .- The LOI must specify the lot for months.
    > Respetable Mr end buyer of fuel , respectfully we suggest, collected
    > once the documentation and information required and requested by the
    > company selling Final, should send a LOI BANCARIZADA, addressed to
    > name:

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